Getting Addresses

For a profile to receive digital assets they need a receiving address. every profile has the ability to get millions of receiving addresses.

Here are the properties for generateAddress function:

property description requiredtype


specify which user. If not provied it will bring all the addresses for the organization



Each address has metadata such as balance.

Here is an example of getting all the addresses for the organization

import { Oumla } from "@oumla/sdk";

const client = new Oumla({
   apiKey: process.env.API_KEY,
   // Additional options...

const address = await client.getAddresses();


Here is an example of getting all the addresses for a profile

const client = new Oumla({
   apiKey: process.env.API_KEY,
   // Additional options...

const address = await client.getAddresses({
     reference: 'dba1fea5-2004-4ea8-a06d-a7c7c5559b8f',


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