A wallet comprises a private key, a public key, and many addresses. To enable a user to accept tokens or digital assets, create a wallet for them using our API.
You can create one wallet per blockchain.
Here are routes for the profile management.
Before you create a wallet, make sure that you create a profile
Create a wallet
This operation creates a wallet
The API key generated from Oumla's dashboard
Request body
Any identifer for this user this could be the UUID for the user or profile
One of the network types that we support. like for example "ETH"
Sample code of the request:
TypeScript TypeScript (Axios) Python
Copy async function generateWallet (reference : string , network : string ) {
const apiKey = "Your API Key" ;
const url = "https://sandbox.oumla.com/api/v1/wallets/generate" ;
const data = JSON .stringify ({ reference , network });
const response = await fetch (url , {
method : "POST" ,
headers : {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
"x-api-key" : apiKey ,
} ,
body : data ,
const responseData = await response .json ();
console .log (responseData);
// Example usage
generateWallet ( "dba1fea5-2004-4ea8-a06d-a7c7c5559b8f" , "BTC" );
Copy import axios from "axios" ;
async function generateWallet (reference : string , network : string ) {
const apiKey = "Your API Key" ;
const url = "https://sandbox.oumla.com/api/v1/wallets/generate" ;
try {
const response = await axios .post (url , {
reference ,
network ,
} , {
headers : {
"x-api-key" : apiKey ,
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
console .log ( response .data);
} catch (error) {
console .error ( "Error:" , error);
// Example usage
generateWallet ( "dba1fea5-2004-4ea8-a06d-a7c7c5559b8f" , "BTC" );
Copy import requests
import json
url = "https://sandbox.oumla.com/api/v1/wallets/generate"
api_key = "Your API Key"
data = {
reference : "dba1fea5-2004-4ea8-a06d-a7c7c5559b8f" ,
network : "BTC" ,
headers = {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
"x-api-key" : api_key
response = requests . post (url, data = json. dumps (data), headers = headers)
if response . status_code == 200 :
print (response. json ())
else :
print ( "Error:" , response.status_code, response.text)
The expected response:
201: Wallet Created 402: Wallet Exist
Copy "data" : {
"reference" : "-2004-4ea8-a06d-a7c7c5559b8f" ,
"network" : "ETH" ,
"type" : "User" ,
"date" : "2024-07-13T10:05:35.636Z"
Copy {
"message" : "Profile has a ETH wallet" ,
"success" : false ,
"status" : 402
Get Wallets
This operation to get wallets by organization
Sample code of the request:
TypeScript TypeScript (Axios) Python
Copy async function getWallets () {
const apiKey = "Your API Key" ;
const url = "https://sandbox.oumla.com/api/v1/wallets/organizations" ;
const response = await fetch (url , {
method : "GET" ,
headers : {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
"x-api-key" : apiKey ,
} ,
const data = await response .json ();
console .log (data);
getWallets ();
Copy import axios from "axios" ;
async function getWallets () {
const apiKey = "Your API Key" ;
const url = "https://sandbox.oumla.com/api/v1/wallets/organization" ;
try {
const response = await axios .get (url , {
headers : {
"x-api-key" : apiKey ,
} ,
console .log ( response .data);
} catch (error) {
console .error ( "Error:" , error);
// Example usage
getWallets ();
Copy import requests
response = requests . get ( 'https://sandbox.oumla.com/api/v1/wallets/organization' , headers = {
'x-api-key' : 'Your API Key'
if response . status_code == 200 :
print (response. json ())
else :
print (response.text)
The expected response:
200: OK
Copy {
"data" : [
"reference" : "89a625b9-4c5f-4130-8b56-afx8010f8103" ,
"organizationId" : "8a9e86b8889e36b8-b175-4371-950e-d0e8a2b56c67" ,
"network" : "ETH" ,
"type" : "User" ,
"date" : "2024-07-13T10:05:35.636Z" ,
"currentDeepIndex" : 0 ,
"index" : 1
} ,
"reference" : "89a625b9-4c5f-4130-8b56-afx8010f8103" ,
"organizationId" : "889e36b8-b175-4371-950e-d0e8a2b56c67" ,
"network" : "BTC" ,
"type" : "User" ,
"date" : "2024-06-10T18:36:18.749Z" ,
"currentDeepIndex" : 10 ,
"index" : 0
} ,
// The other walllets
] ,
"pagination" : {
"totalElements" : 5 ,
"totalPages" : 1 ,
"skip" : 0 ,
"take" : 10
} ,
"success" : true ,
"status" : 200
This operation to get wallets by reference
Query Parameters (required)
Sample code of the request:
TypeScript TypeScript (Axios) Python
Copy async function getWalletByReference (reference : string ) {
const apiKey = "Your API Key" ;
const url = `https://sandbox.oumla.com/api/v1/wallets/profile/ ${ reference } ` ;
const response = await fetch (url , {
method : "GET" ,
headers : {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
"x-api-key" : apiKey ,
} ,
const data = await response .json ();
console .log (data);
getWalletByReference ( "89a625b9-4c5f-4130-8b56-afx8010f8103" );
Copy import axios from "axios" ;
async function getWalletByReference (reference : string ) {
const apiKey = "Your API Key" ;
const url = `https://sandbox.oumla.com/api/v1/wallets/profile/ ${ reference } ` ;
try {
const response = await axios .get (url , {
headers : {
"x-api-key" : apiKey ,
} ,
console .log ( response .data);
} catch (error) {
console .error ( "Error:" , error);
// Example usage
getWalletByReference ( "89a625b9-4c5f-4130-8b56-afx8010f8103" );
Copy import requests
response = requests . get ( f 'https://sandbox.oumla.com/api/v1/wallets/profile/ { reference } ' , headers = {
'x-api-key' : 'Your API Key'
if response . status_code == 200 :
print (response. json ())
else :
print (response.text)
The expected response:
200: OK 404: Not Found
Copy {
"data" : [
"reference" : "89a625b9-4c5f-4130-8b56-afx8010f8103" ,
"organizationId" : "8a9e86b8889e36b8-b175-4371-950e-d0e8a2b56c67" ,
"network" : "ETH" ,
"type" : "User" ,
"date" : "2024-07-13T10:05:35.636Z" ,
"currentDeepIndex" : 0 ,
"index" : 1
} ,
"reference" : "89a625b9-4c5f-4130-8b56-afx8010f8103" ,
"organizationId" : "889e36b8-b175-4371-950e-d0e8a2b56c67" ,
"network" : "BTC" ,
"type" : "User" ,
"date" : "2024-06-10T18:36:18.749Z" ,
"currentDeepIndex" : 10 ,
"index" : 0
} ,
// The other walllets
] ,
"pagination" : {
"totalElements" : 5 ,
"totalPages" : 1 ,
"skip" : 0 ,
"take" : 10
} ,
"success" : true ,
"status" : 200
The reference
is Missing in the parameters.
Copy response: {
status: 404,
statusText: 'Not Found' ,
// ...
Last updated 5 months ago